Joanna Klisowska, soprano

Soprano International Concert Artist


Works by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Britten, De Falla

JOANNA KLISOWSKA The artist was born in Wroclaw, Poland. It was also in Wroclaw where she began her musical education – first as a violinist, and then as a singer at the Academy of Music in Professor B. E. Werner’s class. Afterward, Joanna Klisowska completed baroque singing course under the artistic direction of C. Ansermet (Milan) as well as graduated with honors from a two-year post-graduate studies at the faculty of early music at the Musikhochschule Trossingen under the direction of Ch. Hilz and M.K. Kiehr.

The Soprano also worked under the direction of famous Polish singer Jolanta Zmurko and attended numerous courses devoted to baroque music performance led by G. Banditelli, P. Kooij, B. Schlick, J.Christensen, L. Brunmayr-Tutz, inter alia.

Joanna Klisowska specializes in performing music of the baroque and classical periods. She is, however, also interested in French music from the end of the 19th century, lied and contemporary music.

The artist carries out intense concert activity. She collaborates with C. Astronio, G. Capuano, R. King, B. Kuijken, L. Ghielmi, V.Luks P. Nemeth, P.Neumann, M. Schuldt-Jensen, M. Toporowski, Ch.Toet, R. Vettori as well as with such groups like Accademia della Arcadia, Artsemble, Bozen Baroque Ensemble, Il Canto di Orfeo ,Collegium 1704, Divina Armonia, Immortal Bach Ensemble, Stuttgarter Vocal Ensemble, Mitteleuropea Orchestra Barocca, La Verdi Barocca.

The Soprano performed at many festivals:Utrecht Early Music Festival, Festival Ambronay, Rheingau Musik Festival (Germany), Wratislavia Cantans (Wroclaw), Settimane Barocche (Brescia), Musica e Poesia a S. Maurizio (Milan), Festival Hendlowski [Heandel Festival] (Poznan), Festival Internazionale di Danza e di Musica Antica (Milan), Festival Brezice (Brezice), Festival di Musica Barocca di Rovino (Rovigno), Festival Mozart (Rovereto), Maj z Muzyka Dawna [May with Early Music] (Wroclaw), Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Organowej i Kameralnej [International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music] (Wroclaw), Musica Elettronica Nuova (Wroclaw), among others.

Joanna Klisowska gives concerts all over Europe. She also conducts educational activity and master music courses. For two years, she has been in the jury of Concorso Internazionale di Musica Antica, which takes place in Pienza (Italy). Presently, together with G. Capuano and Il Canto di Orfeo group, Joanna Klisowska is recording all the oratorios of Carissimi and Rossi.

In her recording oeuvre, one can find the currently discovered Oratorium Musicum „Der Mensch ein Gottesmörder” by L. Mozart recorded with Bolzano Baroque Ensemble (C.Astronio) under the direction of Claudio Astronio for Amadeus (Italy) as well as motets by F. A. Bonporti recorded for the Austrian ORF (Alte Musik) , Responsoria by J.D.Zelenka with Collegium 1704 and Vaclav Luks (Akccent 2012), and recently a new CD presenting sacred music by Henry Purcell for soprano and bass with the participation of P. Kooij for Stradivarius (Italy).